Twestival – What You Need To Know

Now, what exactly is a Twestival? How does it differ from Tweet-ups or similar events? Now, this website is mostly about education, but we all know in what way modern technology and communication is essential for up-to-date education. So there’s the link between Twitter and education.

A Twestival (or TwitterFestival – Twitter & festival makes Twestival) has some similarities to any Tweet-ups in a way that Twitter people will connect offline for social catch-up or networking purposes.

There are 3 main elements that make Twestival so special:
1) The scope of Twestival is much larger than other events and there are many volunteers involved.
2) Twestival is open to all sorts of people within the Twitter communities, So although most participants tend to be early adopters still, there are many different and diverse new people and industries present.
3) The third and most important element of Twestival is that it supports a social cause by raising funds collectively and bringing awareness.

So when and how got Twestival started?
Well, over a decade ago, to be precise (in September 2008), a small group of Twitterers (or Twitter fans) from London, UK, set up an event that allowed local Twitter community members to meet in an offline setting and to meet the individuals and the faces behind the platform’s avatars. Now I’m a highly active Twitterer and a highly engaged education mom. So this website is all about tweeting to education moms!

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GED Fast Track Course: Onsego

Some time ago, I reviewed a new online GED course developed by Onsego. But I feel I should elaborate a bit more on this wonderful program because it is one of the best, most innovative, and to-the-point education courses I’ve seen in the past years.

The course is targeted toward GED® students, but it is structured in a way that high school students may benefit as well as they prepare for graduation or for the ACT or SAT college entrance assessment.

The course is not free. Since there are four GED sub-exams, you can purchase one of the four subject fields as a stand-alone course for $29 or $49 (depending on the GED subject), but you can also buy the so-called Onsego Advantage Plan ($79) that includes:

  • The four GED prep courses: Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning through Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.
  • Hundreds of video lessons and thousands of sample questions.
  • Four GED Ready vouchers that can be used for the GED Ready® practice test. There is a GED Ready practice test per sub-exam, so four overall, that cost $6.99 each on the website (so a $28 value).
  • Quitting Protection Plan that will ensure you don’t quit the course prematurely.
  • Motivational course to keep you on track and boost your self-confidence.
  • Progress-tracking system so you’ll always know what you have learned and what’s next.
  • Connection with your GED Ready Score Report.
  • GED Calculator course that makes sure that even if you have no feeling for math at all, you still will be able to pass the GED Math sub-exam simply by using the only allowed calculator on the GED test (TI-30XS) effectively. The machine will do the math for you!

Besides the single-subject courses, Onsego has three Advantage Plan options:

  • Onsego Advantage gives you 6 months of access and costs $79 (usual price $129)
  • Onsego Advantage Plus gives you 12 months of access and costs $99 (usual price $179)
  • Onsego Advantage Pro Score Booster (with unlimited instructor support) gives 12 months of access and costs $199 (usual price $399)
  • Keep in mind that these are promotional prices. Please check if they are still current

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Teaching Children How To Read

One of the most essential parts of growing up for a child is to learn how to read. It should be given top priority by parents because as to how good their child can read will provide long-term benefits to their children.

Although, I would say that most of the parents today are well known to the fact that teaching their child to read properly is a very important thing. Still, though, I meet parents every day who find it extremely difficult to teach their children effectively.

So, I was wondering if there was an easier way that I can find that would help all such parents who are finding it hard to make their children good readers of tomorrow. After doing some research through various valuable resources I was able to find things that work and things that don’t.

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Next Generation School Programs

If you walk into schools these days, you often can tell the environment radiates an atmosphere that is completely created for students.

The teachers will provide each individual student with the support and commitment they require to feel confident learners and individuals. New school energy gets driven by a few important trends:

  • Student-centered – We have learned from software and marketing developments to consider user experience in a deep way. That has resulted in a totally renewed focus on learner experience. Steve Gory from, a provider of accredited online GED prep courses, states that student-centered teaching and learning will engage students in their personal success, and will also incorporate their skills and interests into the process of learning.
  • Access – Today, internet access is far cheaper than access to textbooks, so providing take-home tech devices to allow for anytime-anywhere learning would absolutely make sense. Learning new things or passing the GED exam is easier than ever, says Steve Gory from
  • Next-gen learning – Modern-day learning models are blending face-to-face and online learning experiences to come up with competency-based and personalized learning sequences.

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Help Your Child With Math Homework

Homework means a home task in which the teacher gives the responsibility to the student to work on the topics covered in the class. Well, you, the parents, can play a leading role when it comes to showing all the fun math can bring and mastering the challenges.

The following are the primary steps for parents:

1. First of all, parents should check the topic which is taught in the class.
2. They should their child whether he or she has comprehended the topic or not.
3. It is essential to comprehend the concept and help their child.
4. Always give positive comments. It’s wrong to say in front of the child things like “Don’t worry; I was bad in Math too.” This makes a child lose interest in understanding the mathematical concepts and your child will lose interest in Math.
5. Even if you are not aware of the topic, then just take a look at the examples that the teacher has given to the student in the classwork.
6. Motivate your child to try again and again because to be perfect in Math one has to practice questions like math fractions multiple times.

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Onsego Experience And Review

Onsego is an online GED prep course that’s highly recommended by teachers. So I took the chance to take a closer look at this online course.  The Onsego GED Prep Course is built around this motto: Work Smarter, not Harder.

Onsego is demonstrating the Work Smarter mantra in several ways:

  • The Onsego course is utilizing a spaced repetition algorithm, and this helps students consolidate and retain their achievements. Over time, this algorithm adapts to the students and personalizes their learning schedules accordingly.
  • The Onsego course gives primacy to GED® question types and concepts that appear most frequently during the GED test. It goes without saying that this doesn’t mean they’re neglecting uncommon or less important topics, but the course puts more emphasis on those GED subject fields with higher importance and impact on the exam.

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Tuition-Free Colleges and Low-Interest Student Loans

By the time you’ve earned your high school or GED diploma, you may think about going to college. Now, this may come at a hefty price, but there are some colleges that make it financially easier for you.

character sitting on the top of book’s heap

These colleges may not be right around your corner, but maybe you have some relatives that live around one of the listed schools, or you may find some other solution to deal with distances.

So, as you know, college is expensive, but you can actually go for free if you want to, believe it or not. Going to college for free does require a lot of planning and effort on your part, yet it will be rewarding knowing that you have zero debt.

You should make sure you have some kind of source of income, for example, get involved in educational activities such as Onsego. Another problem is that the smaller the classes are, the higher the cost to cover for everything, but, as we all know, class size does matter! On the other hand, that doesn’t necessarily lead to high student debt.

But even having some income, everyone welcomes the opportunity to go to college for free, so here are tips on how to get tuition-free colleges. There are a number of colleges all over the country that are officially tuition-free.

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Does School Size Matter?

People often ask me, “Does school size matter?” In a nutshell…yes, school size matters.

Historically large schools (especially for middle and high school) have been the norm for many reasons. A school building, in and of itself, is expensive to operate and maintain. So the fewer buildings that a district has to pay for, the less capital outlay it is for the district.

Secondly, the more students in one building, the more funding for that school. The more students in the school, the more likely it is that the school can offer a robust number of programs. In other words, the more students, it’s more likely that you’ll have a better football team, basketball team, and even a math team.

Despite some of the positives of a large school, sometimes in a large school setting, it’s too easy for a student to get lost. Particularly, students who don’t fit the norm and are not well assimilated into school, for whatever reason.

Many students drop out of school and later need to try to earn a GED diploma with the help of online courses like the ones reviewed in this MyCareerTools GED Resources article. The fact of the matter is that today, there’s hardly any position available, also not at the entry-level, if the applicant doesn’t have at least a high school or GED diploma.

My high school graduating class was roughly 170 students. A high school that wasn’t too far away had 1,000 students per graduating class. Take a minute to think about that from a student to teacher/adult ratio. Of course, large schools have more staff members, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that fewer students fall through the cracks.

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